online pokerCampaign for Poker Legalization in Northern Ireland

The only area of United Kingdom where live poker is still considered illegal is Northern Ireland. This paradox though can be altered because there is a group of people campaigning for the legalization of live poker in this particular part of the UK.

The illegality of live poker in Northern Ireland has annoyed a lot of party goers who cannot play this game and that have prompted them to launch a petition through Facebook. Their aim is for the game to be declared as a talent or skill therefore should be legal.

The petition is accessible for online signing at html and the Betting, Gaming And Lotteries Act will launch the legalization of poker.

On the online petition, it says that, there is a needed change for the outdated gambling laws in Northern Ireland.

They argued also, that it is not fair for games of chance like bingo and the slot machines to be legal, while a skill-requiring game like poker is not allowed to be played.

There are clubs in Northern Ireland that cannot operate legally because of live poker. This is in spite of the fact that these clubs are really customer friendly with no drink being served, just people having some good times and enjoying themselves with some games of poker. The sad fact is, in any other parts of the UK and the Republic of Ireland itself, these clubs can legally operate.

“This simply makes no sense”, according to the petition. It takes skill to play a game of poker. And the fact that bookies, lotteries, bingo and slot machines that are all pure gambling games are legal is a very hard fact to understand.

According to some people, if poker is legalized, about 150 jobs would be created. And this is just one of the many advantages that poker can provide for Northern Ireland.

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